Holy Child Public School, located in Ranchi, is an esteemed co-educational English medium institution affiliated with the CBSE. Operating under the patronage of the R. P. Educational Trust, the school’s inception took place on August 20th, 1984, with the honorable laying of its foundation stone by the late Shri Rameshwar Sahu. Initially established as a primary school, it progressed to achieve secondary-level status of exceptional educational standards in 1998.
The guiding motto of the institution, ‘सा विद्या या विमुक्तये,’ epitomizes the belief that genuine wisdom is that which leads to emancipation.
A cornerstone of our educational philosophy lies in fostering an environment where students embrace secular and ethical principles, nurturing harmony among diverse creeds and beliefs.
Our conviction is that education is an ongoing journey, equipping each generation for the challenges of tomorrow. In accordance with this vision, our school consistently adapts and transforms, offering an array of academic and co-curricular pursuits that facilitate holistic growth. Our aspiration is to imbue education with purpose, significance, and enjoyment, thus ensuring a comprehensive and enriching experience for all learners.