Academic Excellence

To nurture creativity, curiosity and discovery in our students and to make them lifelong learners; so that they excel in academics, explore inter connectivity of disciplines and grow into active creators of knowledge themselves.

Value – Based Education

To create an environment that encourages freedom of thought, while inculcating self-discipline, punctuality, fair play and industry.

Co-curricular Activities

To provide our students with opportunities to experience and appreciate a broad range of creative and performing arts, physical activities and sports to imbibe team spirit and contribute to the holistic growth and development of the child. Activities which help in finding balance in developing heart, mind and body.

Teaching Philosophy

To constantly evolve our teaching strategies, incorporating new methodologies and technologies to enable diverse learning styles and aligning those with advanced skills.

Home Away From Home

To provide home away from home, where care & nurturing are balanced with the emotional and intellectual needs of a child.


To monitor essential growth of social and cognitive facets of our children, counseling by teachers and experts support in having fulfilling life and career choices.

Community Service

To know about the social, environmental and humanitarian issues, and to give our students an opportunity to engage with local communities and service organizations and work with them to bring improvement. Kindling a sense of self-awareness and responsibility for the communities we belong to.
